Students walking by Lambton Hall

Find What Works For You

Your residence hall is more than a place to live. It’s the heart of your university community. Our unique residence communities bring students together to share incredible experiences and learn alongside one another. Our students and professional staff create fun and informative events for residents throughout the year!

Learn more about the residence learning community options BELOW and decide which will do the most to enhance your learning experiences at the University of Guelph.


Group of students working with colorful materials and creating art

Living Learning Communities

Information about Indigenous House, Eco House, International House, La Maison Francaise, Arts House, and more. 


An open textbook on a wooden table

Academic Clusters

Our academic learning communities offer the support of a cluster leader in a range of different subject areas. 


Students engaged in physical activity on a field

Themed Living Communities

Interested in a quiet study-intensive community, or want to live with like-minded students in a substance-free area?