What is Provided


What is Provided

  • Residence rooms are equipped with single beds [mattress size Standard Twin 75″×36″], desks, book shelves, desk chairs, desk lamps, room lamps, closets, wardrobe space/drawers, mirrors, towel bars, corkboards, waste containers, curtains
  • You are encouraged to personalize your own space by bringing posters, plants, photos, personal knick-knacks, energy-efficient fridges. If you wish, you may rent a fridge from our partnered company Coldex.
  • ResNet internet service is provided in each room. Students must bring their own ethernet cord to directly connect. All student rooms in residence have WiFi coverage. Personal wireless routers in residence are not permitted.
  • East Residence and East Village kitchens and common areas include full fridge, stove, dining table, chairs, coffee tables and lounge furniture.
  • For items related to maintaining your health, click here for a detailed list of what is recommended.

What is Not Provided

  • You will need to bring your own linen, bedspreads, matress cover, pillows, and towels. If you wish, you may order linens through our partnered company Residence Linens.

  • Personal hygiene items such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, feminine products, cleaning products for personal use, are NOT provided.

  • Resident washrooms (toilets, sinks and showers located within the non-public/residential areas of a building) are not equipped with soap, sanitizer or hand towels. Students are responsible for providing their own soap and hand towels.

  • If you are assigned to a room equipped with a kitchen (East Residences, East Village or West Residence), you are responsible for supplying your own utensils, pots, pans, etc. Wait until you arrive and check with your roommates before purchasing anything.

    two students in an east townhouse kitchen