It happens for a variety of reasons. Here is what you need to know:
- As per the Residence Contract, you must inform us in writing that you are cancelling your residence. You can email us at from your GryphMail account (sorry, Hotmail and Gmail accounts don't allow us to verify that it is really you)
- If you are withdrawing after you have checked-in, you must return your keys to your Service Desk and sign the Check-out form. If you have withdrawn from your academic courses, you are no longer eligible to live in residence and must check-out within 48 hours of withdrawing from courses.
- If you withdraw from residence after July 15, you will forfeit your full $750 residence deposit. See the refund schedule below.
Residence Deposit Refund
Date that Notice is Received
Amount of Deposit Forfeited
Before July 15
July 16th and after
Deposit Refund Appeals
If there are extenuating circumstances (such as a medical emergency) that prevent you from living in residence, you may appeal for a refund of your deposit in full or in part. Generally speaking, if you are not able to live in residence or attend the University of Guelph for reasons beyond your control, you may appeal and your case will be reviewed. If you decide residence isn't for you, or you decide to live off-campus or commute for financial reasons, these are not considered valid reasons for a deposit refund.
Send your request for an appeal in writing from your email account to with the following information:
- a written summary of the reasons for withdrawal
- supporting documentation (such as a letter from your physician, counsellor, etc.) to validate the circumstances of your appeal
Appeals must be submitted within 30 days of your Residence Contract termination.