Moving In

Two parents and their child moving bins into Johnston Hall

Are you ready for residence? 

We are excited to welcome you to your new home away from home! This might be your first time moving into residence but don’t worry. we’ve got everything under control. Our Housing team has move-in down to a science.

Fall 2024 Move-In will take place on Friday, August 30 and Saturday, August 31. To help us manage traffic flow and ensure you have a positive move-in experience, you will be assigned a move-in timeslot in August. If your assigned time does not work for you, you can modify it in the Housing Portal based on availability. 

The 2024 Move-In Guide 

U of G’s 2024 Move-In Guide provides a comprehensive overview of your move-in experience. Download the Guide for everything you need to know about moving, including our move-in supports, what to pack, how to make your move sustainable, directions to U of G, campus food, and more! Download the Guide and keep it handy for all your move-in-related questions. 

Click here to download the Move-In Guide as a PDF.


Move-in Traffic and Parking Maps

The maps below are for use during August 30 and 31 move-in days only, between 8 am - 5 pm.  The maps direct you to a Checkpoint area, where you will be welcomed by one of our Orientation Volunteers, and then further directed to your appropriate traffic lane to follow for unloading.  Please follow signate and instructions from volunteers for a smooth and efficient move-in experience.

North Area Residences

South Area Residences

East Area Residences


To help us manage traffic flow and ensure you have a positive move-in experience, you will be assigned a move-in timeslot in August. If your assigned time does not work for you, you can modify it in the Housing Portal based on availability. 


Packing List

Visit our packing list page for details on what to bring when moving into residence. 

  • To order a bedding package with the University Bookstore, visit
  • To rent or purchase a fridge delivered to your residence room, visit


Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a set of our most frequently asked questions related to move-in. For answers to other questions you have, please check our Move-In Guide and read it thoroughly!

Will you help me move?

Although we are here to guide and support you with your move, you are responsible for moving your belongings into residence.

Moving into residence is a physically demanding process. Elevators are not available in all residences and stairs may be required. Large and heavy items (such as mini-fridges) will need to be moved by you. Consider packing in a way that makes items light and easy to carry when possible.

We will have plenty of carts available for you to use but consider bringing your own if you have one!

Where will I check in?

Check-in takes place at one of our Residence Desks or a satellite check-in table depending on your residence. You will receive more details through email, and our staff will happily show you the way!

Where do I park? 

Parking lots are designated on your Move-In Map. Parking is free in the designated lots during move-in.

Can I change my move-in time? 

Move-in timeslots can be adjusted on the Housing Portal, pending availability. Limited timeslots are available to ensure that physical distancing and traffic flow can be maintained.

Can I move in early? 

Early move-in is available in specific circumstances that require special consideration. Submit a request on the Housing Portal for early move-in and our admissions staff will review the request.

Students participating in START International, START Accessible, and START Indigenous do not need to submit the form. Your move-in date will be automatically adjusted to the day before the program begins.

Can I move in late? 

For sure! If you will be arriving after Saturday, you can book a late move-in day on the Housing Portal. Per the residence contract, all students who have not checked in before the first day of classes will forfeit their room. If you know you are moving in after September 6, please send an email to

If you are running behind on your move-in timeslot, there is no need to inform Student Housing. We understand that things happen, and our staff will be happy to welcome you when you arrive.

Can I bring my family pet during move-in?

Move-in is a busy time on campus. Any pets should stay at home, excluding service animals.

If you are a student living in residence with a service animal, be sure to email for support through the approval process if this has not yet been completed.

How many people can I bring to help me move?

We encourage you to limit the number of people who are there to help you move to only those who are essential. We suggest you bring ONE vehicle with you for your move. Fewer people in our residence buildings will make everyone’s move quicker and more efficient.

Once you have finished moving everything to your room, it is important to move your vehicle out of the loading area immediately to keep traffic flowing.  

How long can my family stay after moving in? 

Now that you’re a Gryphon, it’s time to enjoy all that campus has to offer! Saying goodbye is hard, but we are here to support you.  We encourage your family to say their goodbyes after you have moved-in.   However, they are welcome to take a walk on campus, grab a bite of our legendary campus food, or take a stroll in the Arboretum.  

Please ensure that your car is moved to your designated parking lot before exploring campus to avoid being towed!

I'm living in Gordon Hall, West Residence or the Grad Houses. When can I move in? 

An email will be sent to you with more specific information on where to go and what to expect for your specific move-in.

Are guests allowed in residence? 

Guests are not permitted in residence during move-in and Orientation Week. Anyone helping you move is expected to have left by the end of the day.

Where can I eat? 

Hospitality locations will be OPEN across campus and are ready to serve you! Visit for a list of locations and hours. Please note that this link will not go live until closer to move-in.

I don't like my room assignment. What can I do?

Our room assignments are done using a lottery system. In 2021, 89% of students received one of the preferences on their application, however, we cannot accommodate all requests. We have found that historically, once students move into their assigned residence, they grow to LOVE it and don't want to move.

If you aren’t happy with your assignment, the transfer request form will become available on the Housing Portal on September 20, 2024. If you believe we have made an error in your room assignment (i.e. a double room with someone of a different gender), please email and our staff will look into your situation.

What size are the mattresses in residence? 

All on-campus beds are standard twin size. Bed sizes for rooms in Gordon Hall can be found on the Gordon Hall page. 

How can I decorate my room?

It’s important to bring posters and belongings to make your residence room feel like home! Be mindful of how you attach things to walls. You are encouraged to use 3M command strips or other materials that won’t damage the walls to avoid charges. Unfortunately, strip lights affixed to walls are not permitted for this reason. 

Our residence desks will have sticky tabs available to make hanging those items easier, but you can also bring your own as quantities are limited.



If you have a question that we haven't covered, please email